Hello my dear Steemians and Art Fans,
This is a project to support young artists of traditional Art and photography on Steem.
After being on Steem active for last 18 months we are back today to say „Good-bye“ but we did not want to go just like that and wanted to create another Magazine and include exceptional Artworks and Photography of the undervalued users.
First of all we would like to thank the people who made it possible to project to exist and supported us with both their reassurance and upvote of Magazine as well as their delegations.
@xpilar, the old friend of us and a promoter of Steem, who is always there where you can engage more people and bring new people to Steem. He supports many newcomers and little accounts. He supported our project with his Upvote, Delegation and Sponsoring many of our Contest as well as he run himself together with @Sultan-aceh the Contests and rewarded the featured Artists with very good rewards. Thank you @xpilar and @sultan-aceh for you loyal support.
@brianhphotos our old friend and fellow countryman who from the first moment immediately supported the idea and Delegated his Steem Power to support undervalued Artists. Brian is the most amazing Macro-Photographer, who creates such impressive photography and opening us the micro-cosmos of the world next to our. Thank you Brian for being there even when you are not posting but we always see and feel you participation in the project.
@alexanderfluke is one of the Photographer from Southern Ural, Chelyabinsk that name I remember from my childhood and youth, well know in ex-USSR, known for their friendly and open people. Alexander without saying much just delegated his Steem Power for our project and remained our loyal supported. Thank you Alexander for your support and trust.
@slowwalker is one of the surprise supporter and only one from all the “whales” who we have approached with our query of support of the project. @slowwalker is an explorer of the history, culture and heritage of Korea, that he shares with us. He immediately responded and delegated us his Steem Power at very beginning and during the whole period of time remained loyal supported not only of the Magazine but many of the featured Artists became direct Upvote from @slowwalker. We deeply appreciate your trust in our project and support of the Artists.
@berien is an Artist from France who liked the idea of our project and made his contribution with delegated us Steem Power. Thank you @berien for support of the project.
@bdmillergallery is another Arists but this time from New Jersey, who we learnt recently due to beautiful painting dedicated to Christmas time who also like many others wanted to contribute in the support of undervalued Artists and Photographers who we display. Thank you @bdmillergallery for your supportive words and Delegation.
Dear Delegators thank you for your Support and please be free to
A separate thank we would like to express to @kpine who supported our magazine with his Upvote and made it possible for us to collect Steem to lease some Steem Power for @art-venture project to be able to give better Upvote.
Thank you @kpine a Loyal Stranger for being there.
Of course a separate thank for @SteemPress Plug-in that made it possible to publish our Magazine and for two guy behind it Fredrik @Fredrikaa and Martin @howo. With you loyal support you made it possible to display our Magazine from our home page into Steem Blockchain.
Thank your @SteemPress
It is time to come and time to say Good-bye and so we do today with such beautiful song:
Today’s selected Artist
Natalia No. 1. Portrait – @kittykate
Figuary 14 / Figure 54 Graphite Drawing – @leoplaw
Portrait sketch completed (Pencil on Paper) – @jamezarts
Have you ever been to Lucerne? – @akinome
Animal series (014) – Dog – @maxwellmarcusart
Mech helmet design – @kevmcc
풍경 – @veronicalee
Simple portrait in the forest – @amaciunas
Halfway there – Progress shot of Another awesome work – @stephennevets
Monomad – Twists and turns – @ewkaw
see you …….bye
@stef1 and @myskye