

Hello dear Steemians,


This is the first post this year and I did not want to lose the moment to announce that yesterday sometimes over the night we also reached Reputation 70! That is so exciting for us, actually for me, I have already started to annoy my husband with my constant question when we reach Rep.70 as it is a while we are hovering around 69, it was quick to start with but then after 60 usually it slows down.
Nevertheless, dear friends only with your support and interest in our blog you made it possible therefore our Great Appreciation and Thank you for all our Followers and Friends!


Prost! – Skål! – Na zdrowie! – Sláinte! – Iechyd da! – Kanpai! – За здоровье! – Santé! – Salute! – Jámas! – Salud! – cheers – 干杯 Gan bei! – Kippis! – Proost, op uw gezondheid! – Serefe! – 건배



Now back to New Year event, in German 31st of Dec also called Silvester and for me it is very special event, since being a child I loved that day, magic moment of finishing one year and starting new one. It is like starting new book with empty pages and we can write everything new, this time without mistakes that we did and of course we want to have more exciting events.


To Hospital at New Year Night


One of the Silvester nights I never forget, that time our son was a baby and had cold, so he was already sleeping and we were ready for countdown as it was shortly before Midnight. About half 11 he woke up with bad barking cough and could not breath properly and started to cry too. That was first time that we had such moment and what we did, of course we had to drive to hospital.

If you did not drive a can New Year night then you have no idea how horrible it is, the streets are full of people, many of them starting fireworks, children on the streets and of course some drunken people. All of them were very angry with the car that was trying to make its way through because of course they did not know that there is a child who can’t breath.

Anyhow half an hour later we arrived to hospital and after Nebuliser mask and some steroids our son was fine but me and him we had to stay in hospital and @myskye had to drive home alone. That Silvester night none of us will forget and every time we automatically think about that event.



Our New Year




We had a small gathering, like I mentioned to our friends, we wanted to do it simple and not much work as we are on holidays therefore we decided to make a Raclette, many german speaking countries know that, it involves an electric table-top grill with small pans, known as coupelles, in which to places the topings that you prepare, cut to small pieces that been placed on little pans and covered with cheese, once cheese melt you can take and eat it. You can spend hours chatting when you think you need next portion you do it yourself.




An the end I wanted to show you one of my watercolor painting of Netherlands old city centre, that we framed and presented to y mother-in-low and here how it looks on the wall.






We are wishing you a nice and relaxing time no matter where you are currently, good health, happy moments and success!



As always, @Stef1 and @myskye











Happy New 2020 and Reputation 70!

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