Hello my dear Steemians and Art Fans,









This is a project to support young artists of traditional Art on Steem.




We are happy to present you new selection of Top10.


As always there are predominantly portraits but the difference today, there are different medium and different styles of work. Looking at them you can see the high technical skills and creativity of expression, passion to their love to Art, watercolor painting by @jungwatercolor that has so much freshness, lightness and unique way of painting. On the other technique with another technique of collage using different photos instead of colors @georgeboya’s Art-student created such beautiful and extraordinary beauty of woman.

@francisftlp made a drawing of facial expression of a child, that is something that nobody can ignore, we all know how it is when children cry, beautifully done with colored pencils and another hyper realistic portrait by @juliocesardraw always makes us stun seeing the similarity of photo and drawing.

Pencil work of @betzaelcorvo show how much time and love he put into that drawing of still life, highlights of glass object is perfectly reflected in this hyper realistic drawing too.

Two complex drawings with ball-pen and ink-drawing using hatching technique by @oreille-pointue and @barski.

Two acrylic paintings on canvas by @aalagenesis human hand and cosmic flowers by @saneoli

And the last painting from the holiday place by @mister-omortson show us the coziness of small village, that he also captured in his watercolor work.


We hope you enjoy these work like we do and we will see us on Sunday again 🙂




Today’s selected Artists


My new painting “cosmic flowers” – by @saneoli




Skateboarder – by @barski




My Artwork for Salamism: Part 2 – by @aalagenesis




pencil portrait – by @juliocesardraw




Dibujando “BODEGÓN” en claroscuro – by @betzaelcorvo




🎨 Bird Keeper by @jungwatercolor




[CR] EXPRESSION DRAWING – by @francisftlp




[Ink drawing] La Légende des Klungs 4/4 [FR/EN] – by @oreille-pointue




Plein-air in the early morning – by @mister-omortson




Collage workshop, 2017-218 circa. Part 3. – by @georgeboya







What meant by traditional Art:


  • Pencil drawing, watercolor, acrylic-oil painting , pastel
  • Always with a step-by-step process
  • Art works should be submitted under tag: “art-venture”
  • Sorry No digital-art !
  • Every second day curation of 10 posts with 100%
  • A day after curation for re-charging the power



our Supporters





Your contribution would greatly appreciated,Sincerely,
@stef1 and @myskye

Art-Venture Magazine No.141

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